The State Property Fund is changing its approach to the administration of issues related to meeting the needs of government institutions in office space in Kyiv

The State Property Fund of Ukraine provided an opportunity for public authorities and other state institutions to investigate independently the registers of vacant premises in the city of Kyiv for the location of their offices and to select those that best meet their needs.

Earlier, in order to rent premises for their offices, the state authorities applied to the State Property Fund. The Fund offered them options for placement, taking into account the parameters provided by them. At the same time, the Fund used both data from the open register of potential leased objects (posted on the Fund's website) and information from various government institutions on vacant premises in Kyiv, which was accumulated by the Fund to fulfill the Government's task and was not published in the public domain.

During the last 5 years (since 2015), 270 lease contracts have been concluded with central government bodies and their territorial subdivisions in Kyiv, but only 107 of them have been concluded for premises, information on which was provided to the Fund by state bodies. However, most leases were concluded for premises that the state authorities found independently, without the intermediation of the Fund.

Such statistics show that information on real estate suitable for the placement of new bodies and institutions is disseminate through various channels, and the State Property Fund seeks to expand the opportunities for rapid access to this information by interested government institutions.

Therefore, in order to more effectively inform public authorities about the possibilities for leasing vacant premises and thus greatly simplify their task of searching such premises, the Fund opens information on vacant real estate in Kyiv, which was summarized to meet the needs of the public authorities in accommodation their employees, in a user-friendly format of Excel spreadsheets.

This register is available at the link- https://bit.ly/33IJpI5.

Government agencies and institutions will be able to choose their own premises by themselves. To receive the premises, it is necessary to submit applications to the Regional Office of the Fund in the city of Kyiv with a request to include real estate objects, which are interest to them in the List of the second type and conclude the lease contracts without holding of auctions.

By the way, the decision of the Regional Office to satisfy applications from the authorities and other government agencies will be reflected in the List of the second type on the website of the Fund in real time.

In addition, the Fund invites public authorities to scan the Lists of objects of the first type (this is a list of state-owned premises, which by law are looking for their tenants by auction). Regional offices of the Fund at the location of objects have the right to decide to exclude real estate from the List of the first type and include it in the List of the second type to satisfy applications from government institutions that need to accommodate their employees and staff (paragraph 120 of the Procedure lease of state and communal property).