The State Property Fund authorized additional platform in the Unified Base of Evaluation Reports

By Order of August 29, 2018, the State Property Fund authorizes an additional e-platform in the Unified Base of Evaluation Reports. It became the e-platform “REGISTER ASSESSMENTS”, operator of which is the Private Enterprise “Information and Consulting Center of ASBEU”. With the advent of a new authorized platform for work in the Unified Base of Evaluation Reports, there are already 4 platforms. The system of checking the estimated value of real estate by the Module of Common Database started with the authorization of the first e-platform “OTSINKA.online” at the end of July 2018.

We remind that the number of possible e-platforms is not limited. This is done so that appraisers have the choice among the platforms and use exactly what platform is most convenient for them. The Fund hopes that as many business entities as possible register and authorize their sites in order to maximize competition and transparency in the tax assessment market.