Real Estate for the Placement of Large Tourist Camp is Offered for Lease in Zaporizhzhia oblast

The SPFU’s Regional office in Zaporizhzhia oblast has announced the competition with open proposing of lease payment value under the principle of auction on the right of leasing of state property which is on the books of the State Enterprise “Recreational Center “Yantar”.

The complex includes main buildings of 1,021.60 sq m, 126.40 sq m, 278.90 sq m, 277.50 sq m, 1,175.40 sq m and infrastructure facilities.

Designated purpose of the object is the placement of touristic complex (for recreation).

Lease object address: 49, Makarova str., Berdiansk town, Zaporizhzhia oblast.

According to the property value report the assessed value of real property is UAH 2.3 million exclusive of VAT as of 28.02.2018.

Lease term is 10 years with the right on prolongation of lease agreement under conditions of obligatory agreement with authority who manage of this object.

The competition will be held on 11 calendar days after publication of information announcement on carrying out the competition in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” at the address of the Regional office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia oblast: room 55; 50, Peremohy str., Zaporizhzhia city.

The deadline for acceptance of offers (except the proposals on lease payment value) - with 3 working days prior to the competition date.

Full announcement text is available in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated 27.06.2018 for No. 52.