State-owned Enterprise “Izotop” received the status of a strategic facility

The Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine recognized the State-owned Enterprise “Izotop” as a strategic facility for the economy and security of the state. This decision paves the way for new opportunities for the enterprise and encourages diversification of its activities.

In January 2024, following a business trip by Vitaliy Koval, Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, the SPFU proposed  the appropriate changes to the Government.

Vitaliy Koval noted, ‘The enterprise’s new status would enable it to expand its current operations and launch its own production. This, in turn, would increase the revenue of the State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) and create new employment opportunities, leading to additional income for the budget. The SPFU’s primary objective is to ensure that all enterprises under its control are profitable, which, in turn, would generate additional funds for the Defense forces.’

Izotop is a state-owned enterprise that serves as the primary supplier of radioisotope products and sources of ionizing radiation for both medical institutions and energy companies in Ukraine.

SOE has many years of work experience and qualified personnel, which makes it an important asset for the country.

With many years of experience and a team of qualified personnel, this enterprise is an invaluable asset to the country.

The next step for Izotop is to expand its activities by producing its own radiopharmaceuticals.