The legendary Hotel Slovianskyi is being prepared for privatization

The State Property Fund of Ukraine has started preparation of the state-owned company Hotel Slovianskyi for the privatization.
It is expected that the object will be up for auction in early July 2020
Currently, there is interest for potential buyers in acquiring the hotel.
At present, the State Property Fund of Ukraine carries out the marketing of the object and implements the preparation for successful privatization.
The main task is to attract the competent investor who, by acquiring this state property object at the transparent auction, will give it the second life, create popular tourist facilities with new high-paying workplaces and, thus, the State, instead of debts, will receive tax revenues from the hotel’s profit.
Hotel Slovianskyi was built in 2004 with the sole purpose: for a one-timetaking the three presidents.
Since then, the hotel has accumulated losses estimated at UAH 54 million.
This is despite the hotel’s unique location with a picturesque view of the Desna floodplain.
This situation is a classic model of poor management.
The hotel’s columns, staircase and floor are made of marble; 30 rooms are located on the area of 5 000 sq.m and also there is the presidential suite.
For more detailed information on this object of privatization, please, follow the link: