Chernivtsi RO sells a single property complex and unfinished building

Chernivtsi RO sells objects:
- SPC of the State Enterprise "Special Design Bureau" Ruta "(Chernivtsi, Ruska St., 248-L), the initial price - 23.02 million UAH;
- unfinished two-storey residential building (2, Bukovinskyi lane, Kostryzhivka small town, Zastavnivsky district), initial price - 6,03 thousand UAH.
The auction in electronicalform will be held on November 3, 2017. Applications are accepted till 30.10.2017. Detailed information and conditions of sale - in the newspaper "Vidomosti pryvatyzatsii" dated 10.11.2017 № 80 and in the Chernivtsi RO (Chernivtsi city, L. Kobylitsy St., 21-A), phone for information: (0372) 518660.