The court has satisfied the claims of Regional Office in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kirovograd oblasts

The claim of the Regional Office of the SPFU's in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kirovograd oblasts was granted by the decision of the economic court of Dnipropetrovsk oblast to JSC "Ukrainian Railways" behalf of the branch "Center of construction and installation works and operation of buildings and structures", as well as production subdivision "Dnipro territorial administration" and municipal cultural institution" Dnipro Children's Music School No.13".

The claims are substantiated by the unlawfulness of the additional agreement without the participation of the lessor - the Regional Office, under the lease agreement of the state real estate and without sufficient legal basis. Besides at the moment of the conclusion of the additional agreement the PJSC “Ukrainian Railway” did not acquire an ownership of the property leased out.

The court declared invalid the additional contract to the lease agreement concluded between JSC "Ukrainian Railways" and the Municipal Cultural Institution "Dnipro Children's Music School No.13".