Kirovohrad Regional Office sells a bath complex with a land plot

The SPFU’s Regional Office in Kirovohrad region sells at an e-Auction a premise of the bath complex (a shop) of 405.6 sq m (with a land plot) at the address: No. 22, Tsukrovy Zavod Str., Lypniazhka village, Dobra Velychka district.
Initial price is UAH 147.720 thousand.
An e-Auction will be hold by SJSC “National Network of Auction Centers” at 11.00 a.m., March 30, 2018.
Applications for participation in the auction are accepted until March 26, 2018.
More information published in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated 05.03.2018 for No. 19.