Privatization of alcohol assets: Karavany operating location and alcohol storage at online auction

On June 7, 2021, an online auction will be held for privatization of separate property of Karavany operating location and alcohol storage of SOE Ukrspyrt.
The enterprise was established in 1837 and was modernized in 2019. The assets are located in two settlements of Kharkiv region: Karavany and Barchany.
The facility includes buildings and structures with a total area of 11,980.5 sq. m.: administrative office, manufacturing buildings, warehouses, workshops, carbon dioxide shop, alcohol storages and granary etc. There are technological equipment and all the necessary communications: electricity and water supply, sewerage and road access.
The list of property put up for auction includes 668 units of buildings, equipment, movable property and others.
Total area of lend plots – 78.5 ha.
Asset’s starting price is UAH 23,100,540; applications for participation in online auction are accepted until June 6, 2021.
Privatization of Karavany operating location and alcohol storage of SOE Ukrspyrt is carried out within the framework of demonopolization of alcohol industry, which launched in 2020.
In total, 41 operating location, which are part of SOE Ukrspyrt, and 37 factories, united into the Concern Ukrspyrt, will be offered for privatization.
More detailed information about Karavany operating location and alcohol storage is available at:
Detailed information on the demonopolization of alcohol industry can be found on the website: